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Bound Size: A4
Binding method: Saddle stitched

Advertisement Sizes
Full Page
Type area: 265mm deep x 185mm wide
Trimmed size: 297mm deep x 210mm wide
Bleed size: 303mm deep x 216mm wide

Outside Front Cover
Trimmed size: 227mm deep x 210mm wide
Bleed size: 233mm deep x 216mm wide

Double Page Spread
Type area: 265mm deep x 396mm wide
Trimmed size: 297mm deep x 420mm wide
Bleed size: 303mm deep x 426mm wide

Half Page Upright
Type area: 265mm deep x 87mm wide

Quarter Page Upright
Type area: 128mm deep x 87mm wide

Half Page Across
Type area: 128mm deep x 185mm wide

Quarter Page Across
Type area: 61mm deep x 185mm wide

Eighth Page (not strip across page)
Type area: 61mm deep x 87mm wide

Loose or bound-in inserts by arrangement. Rates upon request.

Bound: 303mm deep x 213mm wide (this allows a 4mm head trim and a 3mm foot trim)
Loose: 292mm deep x 205mm wide

Copy requirements: 
Complete copy. QuarkXpress documents with hi-resolution images and fonts included, EPS files & PDFs. Please refer to Technical Guidelines page. Digital files are preferable.

All advertisements material received that requires conversion to the above specifications below will be subject to a charge at our normal rates. Where applicable, VAT will be applied on all advertisements.

Contract Cancellation

(1) The Advertiser shall have a period of 10 working days from the date of the company’s acceptance of a booking in which it may issue a Notice of Cancellation, unless the publication advertisement copy deadline is within this period or is prior to this period. Cancellations are subject to a 50% cancellation fee.

(2) No cancellation will be accepted following the advertisement copy deadline date. Foundry Trade Journal Ltd reserves the right to repeat previous accepted advertising copy if new advertising copy is not received by the advert artwork production deadline and shall be paid by the advertiser in full for the advertising space booked.

(3) Any frequency discount granted by the company to the advertiser for multiple advertisement insertions will apply only in the event that all the advertisements contemplated are placed. In the event that the advertiser cancels or does not include any multiple advertisements, the advertiser will lose the right to the frequency discount and will be charged at the full rate.


Payment Terms

Payment terms are strictly 30 days.  In acdordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debt Regulations 2013, penalty charges may be applied if payment is not received as due.

Should the Advertiser require a supplier account application to be completed, this MUST be issued on receipt of the Advertisement Confirmation Form from Foundry Trade Journal Ltd, otherwise our usual payment terms apply.

Internet Advertising
Here are the dimensions you need should you wish to place an advert on our website.

Banner Ads - width 280 pixels - JPEG, GIF or Animated GIF, Bitmap or png.
Sponsored Web-links - supply web address