The leading heat protective equipment (PPE) manufacturer from France, EDC Protection, is working to support its customers with all their personal protective equipment needs – wherever they are based.
The range from this Cast Metals Federation member company extends from multinorm clothing, leather equipment for welders, up to aluminised coats, hoods and gaiters for the most extreme working environment in foundries and casting plants.
The company has remained on its expansion path and achieved a great deal in the UK in recent years. Lloyd Jones, export sales manager, explains: “We can provide basics, but our customers prefer personalised equipment, as we are known for our expertise. We have understood that every country, region, and company has different ways of working. Satisfying each customer means learning again each time I enter a new production site”.
EDC Protection has the ability to adapt to almost any situation, making it the only company in the industry with such a level of flexibility. Whether at William Cook or Sheffield Forgemasters, any customer can get what they need. The two priorities are safety and comfort.
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