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Sector Starts New Year Optimistically

The EUROGUSS exhibition, held in Nüremburg (Germany) in January, showed growth in three areas, say the organisers. There was an increase of trade visitors to 11,187 (2012: 8,415), there were a large number of international visitors – at least 30 per cent, and there was an increase in exhibitors to 470 (2012: 383). 

The 2014 show marked the tenth anniversary of the International Trade Fair for Die Casting - Technology, Processes and Products.

To preserve existing achievements, companies must recognise, assess and utilise their opportunities in the future markets, stressed Dr Pero Micic, president of the FutureManagementGroup AG, at the opening ceremony on the eve of the exhibition. 

Dr Timo Würz, general secretary of CEMAFON, The European Foundry Equipment Suppliers Association, said he was “delighted” with the current state of the industry. “Our already positive expectations have been exceeded again! The economic upturn we noticed at the exhibition makes us confident for 2014 and beyond.” This is also confirmed by a representative survey of visitors and exhibitors by an independent institute: two-thirds of them assess the current economic situation positively and even see a rising trend.

Heike Slotta, director exhibitions at NürnbergMesse, sums up: “We are more than satisfied with this year’s EUROGUSS! The great rush of visitors and the high degree of international involvement – in terms of both exhibitors and visitors – speak for themselves. So I personally would like to say a big thank you to our exhibitors for their commitment.”

More than half of the exhibitors (51 per cent) were international. Die casting foundries and their component suppliers, equipment suppliers and service providers took part from 26 countries. The strongest exhibiting nations after Germany were Italy, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland. The international share of visitors also increased appreciably: over 30 per cent were international visitors, mainly from Italy, Austria, the Czech Republic, Turkey and Switzerland.

Around half of the visitors came from the automotive industry, i.e. car and vehicle manufacturers and their component supply industries, but machinery and plant construction, the electrical and electronics industry, mould making and die casting foundries also showed great interest in their sector’s event. The large share of decision-makers is also worthy of note: the exhibition survey revealed that 88 per cent of the visitors to EUROGUSS 2014 influence purchasing and procurement decisions in their company.

Special Shows Examined The Past and Future
Tradition, innovation and a look into the future were ideally combined at the tenth EUROGUSS, so the special anniversary also took a look back. A special show entitled Origins of the Future, organised in co-operation with exhibitors and associations, attracted great interest. Historical castings and tools showing the innovativeness of the sector and individual companies and institutions offered a welcome look back to bygone times. But topical sector and research matters also attracted lively interest, as shown, for example, by the packed house at the 14th International German Die Casting Congress organised by VDG and BDG (Bundesverband der Deutschen Gießerei-Industrie/Federation of the German Die Casting Industry). There was also a big crowd on all three days of the exhibition at the special show Research for Knowledge, at which national and international research institutes, universities and colleges presented their services. 

Other International Diecasting Events
China Diecasting 2014 takes place in Shanghai from 22nd to 24th July. The Chinese subsidiary of NürnbergMesse organises this trade fair and congress on die casting with a separate pavilion for German and European companies. Around 240 exhibitors and 8,000 trade visitors are expected at the show. The organiser is the Foundry Institute of China Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES) and the sponsor is the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society: 

The NürnbergMesse Group sees its task as paving the way for German and European die casting foundries that would like to establish business connections in the Asian market, and is therefore not only active in China, but in India too. The Indian subsidiary of NürnbergMesse is involved in ALUCAST 2014, which takes place in Bangalore (India) from 4th to 6th December 2014. The trade fair and congress on aluminium and die casting expects over 100 exhibitors and 2,000 trade visitors. The event is organised by The Aluminium Casters’ Association of India:

The next EUROGUSS takes place in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 12th to 14th January 2016.