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Authors of technical papers are required to adhere to the rules given here for the preparation of technical papers for consideration for publication in Foundry Trade Journal. The publishers reserve the right to reject papers that have not been prepared according to these rules.

1. Technical Aspects

Papers must be original. They must either report original research work or be a detailed description of the latest technology or knowledge within a specific field related to the castings industry. Their subject matter must be of interest to an international readership.

2. Language

The papers must be written in English.

3. Submission of papers

Authors are requested to provide one hard copy and one electronic copy of their paper in a Microsoft Word document. The electronic version should be emailed to [email protected]

4. Paper size and manuscript length

The paper should not exceed 3,000 words long.

5. Text

The paper shall include title, authors names and their affiliations, abstract (maximum 130 words), chapters (introduction, experimental, results, discussion, conclusions, etc.) and references. No banners or company logos are permitted however authors should provide their email address at the end of the paper.

The text shall be typed using 12 point Arial characters and single line spacing, keeping the margins as follows: left hand side: 3 cm, right hand side, upper and lower sides: 3 cm. Text shall be justified left.

Titles of sections (introduction, experimental, results, discussion, conclusions, etc.) shall be in bold italics and aligned to the left margin and one blank line shall separate the title of each section from the preceding paragraph.

All equations will numbered sequentially. A preceding and succeeding blank line shall separate them from the text. The equation numbers shall appear at the right hand side of each equation, written in parentheses.

All paragraphs shall start from the left margin without leaving a space. A blank line shall exist between successive paragraphs.

Abbreviations shall be defined twice before use and abbreviations other than the ones referring to chemical formulae and units of measure will not be allowed. The SI system of units will be adhered to. 

6. References

Bibliographical references shall be marked in the text by a number in brackets [1] and included in numerical order at the end of the text, as shown in the following examples (also note that author’s names in the ‘References’ section should be listed with the surname first;

  1. Griffiths W D and Lai N W, Mould filling: the critical ingate velocity of aluminium and magnesium alloy castings, Foundry Trade Journal, 178, No 3618, Oct 2004, pp344-348.
  2. Dispinar D and Campbell J, Determining aluminium melt quality, 66th World Foundry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 6-9 Sept, 2004, pp 45-57, pub Toksad: The Foundrymen’s Association of Turkey, 2004.
  3. Murrell P A, Private Communication, Dec 2004.
  4. Campbell J, Castings, 2nd Ed, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Oxford 2003, ISBN 0 7506 4790 6.

7. Tables and figures

The tables and figures should normally be included at the end of the paper.

Table headings shall be left justified and placed on top of the tables. Figure captions shall be left justified and placed below the related figure. All figures (photographs, drawings, diagrams) shall be numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals in the same order as they are referred to in the text.

Diagrams, photographs and micrographs shall normally be printed in black and white and a scale marker, to show magnification, added to the micrograph.

8. Selection of the Technical Papers

The selection of the papers shall be carried out by an external assessor in accordance with the technical requirements of the publisher.

The accepted papers shall remain the property of Foundry Trade Journal Ltd which holds the sole and exclusive copyright for the publication of these papers until they have been published or for a period of 12 months – whichever comes first. Once the paper has been printed in Foundry Trade Journal the author can seek publication elsewhere – however, if published elsewhere the paper must carry a reference to Foundry Trade Journal Ltd as the original publishers.


Notes for guidance for supplying feature articles

Feature articles should be between 900 to 1,500 words long, supplied in English and in Microsoft Word format with up to four images/figures supplied as individual high resolution jpgs. They should be sent six weeks in advance of publication date to the Editor, Lynn Postle, at email: [email protected]