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Nimble sourcing approach reaps global benefits

26 Apr 21
Sticking to the guidelines, strength and depth in the supply chain, and teamwork in the literal and digital sense, have been important factors in ensuring supply remains intact during a complex...

Welcome to the digital foundry – powered by AI

26 Apr 21
Spanish foundry group Condals cut scrap by 45 per cent after implementing DISA’s Monitizer® digital solutions, with customised dashboards and Artificial Intelligence-driven recommendations...

Can CAD data be the future for Industry 4.0? 

26 Apr 21
To satisfy the rising demand for smart design and digital transformation, CAD is in a prime position to aid engineers on the next steps in digital technology. Boris Fischer-Ribic, country manager of...

A tripartite team navigates a global course

10 Mar 21
Whilst people are at the very heart of the World Foundry Organization (WFO), an ability to listen to genuine industry needs is cited as the most important attribute, says the man who will soon be the...

Core philosophies embrace new branding

10 Mar 21
The ability to maintain a robust workflow, ensure all customer needs are satisfied and that commissioning and installation commitments have been honoured during what has been a testing time for all,...

When speed saves lives

10 Mar 21
In March, just when the coronavirus pandemic hit hard in Europe, MRT Castings was faced with an urgent demand for more parts to produce critical care ventilators. Only an additional diecasting cell...

Collective ‘hands up’ for employee ownership

10 Mar 21
A global foundry supplier experienced a 60 per cent increase in turnover in the three years following its move to employee ownership. A reduction in waste, an increase in productivity and...

A diamond celebration for Slovenian conference

15 Dec 20
The International Foundry Conference Portoroz celebrated its 60th anniversary in September, with delegates able to attend in person thanks to some heightened safety measures and the expertise of the...

2020 Hindsight – casting an eye over this year

15 Dec 20
Foundry Trade Journal editor Lynn Postle muses over 2020 and what it has meant for the global cast metals industry. As to be expected in these challenging times for the world, foundry production...

A powerful revolution

02 Oct 20
The latest digital control system from Inductotherm Europe Ltd has placed harnessing power and its efficient use as a central aspect, helping to save foundries using induction melting equipment both...

Supply chain resilience

06 Sep 20
Industry trends and supply chain strategy for manufacturing According to the Supply Chain Resilience Report 2020 from a global leader in distributed manufacturing, cybersecurity issues have...

The real value in-house 3D scanning capabilities

06 Sep 20
Recently, a UK-based foundry was looking for a solution that would improve its rapid prototyping workflow and also provide enhanced quality control and inspection reports for customers. Additionally,...

Find your ideal abrasive solution

06 Sep 20
Abrasive quality and grade selection, are two of the key factors to efficient blast cleaning of cast parts. Higher levels of re-blasting will not only increase the time taken to produce saleable...