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Past, Present, Future – Induction Technology

04 Apr 18
Former managing director of Inductotherm Europe Ltd, Graham Cooper considers the history of induction melting. It all began one hundred years ago on a warm summer afternoon in 1918 in the Palmer...

Cutting through the negative to create a positive

04 Apr 18
A UK based steel foundry has melted down knives and swords, obtained from a six-week weapon amnesty in London, and worked with a charity and other companies to help turn them into exercise equipment...

Productivity for the diecasting industry

27 Feb 18
At EUROGUSS, Bühler presented products and services focused on increasing the productivity of customers today and tomorrow. Today, technology is constantly and rapidly evolving. To keep pace...

Standing up for health and safety

05 Feb 18
They say to truly understand a person you have to ‘walk a mile in their shoes’ but what if that results in hot and swollen toes, aching joints, blisters and fatigue? The chances are,...

Personal Protective Equipment

05 Feb 18
The good, the bad and the ‘sometimes’ ill-fitting in UK foundries For PPE to be an effective control measure it has to be suitable for the job and hazard, fit the wearer, be used...

Impressive project from start to finish

05 Feb 18
Two-metre-long off-road vehicle step casting for the US SUV market scoops Component of the Year at the Cast Metals Industry Awards Dinner. Previously made as a sheet pressing and high pressure...

Manufacture smarter to seek out new opportunities

13 Dec 17
New technology brings new challenges, which brings a continued need for the dissemination of information, Diecasting Society President John Paterson told delegates at the Diecasting Society Technical...

Metrology for nanotechnology

31 Oct 17
The nano world – a new frontier Nanotechnology might seem cutting edge, but humans have actually been experimenting with nanomaterials for hundreds of years – albeit accidentally. In...


10 Oct 17
A global review of the metal casting industry There are many topics that need to be considered in a global review of an industry – far too many to consider here so the following is a...

Expanding the range of products at EUROGUSS

10 Oct 17
From 16th to 18th January 2018, the European diecasting sector will meet once again in Nuremberg at the EUROGUSS trade fair. The new director exhibitions at NürnbergMesse, Christopher Boss,...

In the air tonight

01 Aug 17
A progressive diecasting facility is set to save £50,000 on energy bills after investing in the latest air conditioning technology. Having spent several years committed to the installation...

Measured a great success

01 Aug 17
Record-breaking numbers attended the EICF Workshop held in Brno in May, where 155 attendees heard fourteen presentations from industry experts and suppliers tackling the subject of ‘Inspection...