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Good morning sunshine

The sky’s the limit for the leading foundry equipment manufacturer with a significant investment in solar photovoltaic technology to help power them through the coming years.

Having demonstrated a clear commitment to energy saving technology and environmental responsibilities in the design of its chemically bonded sand equipment, Omega Sinto Foundry Machinery Ltd has now installed solar PV panels to the roof of its Peterborough (UK) headquarters as part of the company’s ongoing bid to improve internal housekeeping. The 144-panel system is expected to generate 55,833kWh/per year, resulting in a five to seven-year payback for the £69,000.00 investment.

It is the latest investment at the modern Peterborough site that already has EV charging points and flexible production, warehousing and office space. Speaking about the investment, managing director Mark Lewis said: “It really does make sense to find ways of being smart about energy supply and energy usage, something that everyone is conscious of during this heightened energy crisis. “We have been considering the installation of solar panels for some time and we are delighted to have been able to complete this now. The savings are important, but so too is the opportunity to showcase our commitment to a greener way of working.”

This commitment is extended throughout the company with a focus on operating in a smarter, more environmentally sustainable manner. Recent improvements include working towards a paperless office and all soap bottles used on site being refilled by a local company. “We are involved in lots of recycling,” Lewis says. “It’s important to us that our green efforts are part of our culture.”

It’s no surprise that Omega Sinto is keen to improve energy efficiency at its HQ, having established its national and international customer base around supplying equipment to improve performance efficiencies. This includes the development of the latest technology for sand reclamation, incorporating chromite separation, secondary attrition and thermal reclamation. Read more about this in future issues.

Contact: Omega Sinto Foundry Machinery Ltd, Morley Way, Peterborough PE2 7BW UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1733 232231, email: [email protected] web:

Photovoltaic (PV) materials and devices convert sunlight into electrical energy, with a single PV device being referred to as a cell. An individual PV cell is usually small, typically producing about 1 or 2 watts of power, and they are sandwiched between protective materials in a combination of glass and/or plastics.

To boost the power output of PV cells, they are connected in chains to form larger units known as modules or panels. Modules can be used individually, or several can be connected to form arrays. One or more arrays is then connected to the electrical grid as part of a complete PV system. Because of this modular structure, PV systems can be built to meet almost any electric power need, small or large.