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Innovative water soluble core technology

The Cast Metals Federation has commended Foseco for the WASCO water soluble core process for aluminium diecasting at the UK Cast Metals Industry Awards. Foseco says the technology underlines the company’s commitment to transformational technologies. WASCO introduces a sand binder system that withstands the forces of high pressure diecasting and allows easy sand removal without mechanical force, enabling cost effective production of intricate, thin walled castings. This breakthrough allows aluminium diecasters to explore complex shapes, ushering in a new era of cost effective manufacturing. It enables the production of castings previously limited to more expensive processes such as sand and gravity diecasting. The recognition for WASCO at the awards, plus the win for the ROTOCLENE process (read more about this later on in this issue) highlight Foseco’s commitment to innovation across the whole foundry industry.

Pictured: Jens Ohm (left) and John Sutherland (right) accepted the awards for Foseco at the Cast Metals Industry Awards Dinner in the UK in November 2023.